Diamond - Made in Italy / Belgium
Bratt pan gas tank 75 liters
- Tank in soft steel, with high thermal conduction, - Tank dim. 815x610xh200 mm, surface 50 dm2. -.....
Electric pasta cooker, basin 14 liters -Top-
E60/CP3T Electric pasta cooker, basin 14 liters -Top- Basin, dimensions 245x370x190 mm. .....
2 Door Refrigerated table
- 3 neutral drawers for trays 600x400 mm, on telescopic slides. - Storeroom 395 liters with a venti.....
2 sliding Door Bottle cooler
Inside volume 196 liters. - Inside dimensions: 805x345xh732 mm. - Load capacity: 218 cans (0.....
4 Door Ventilated Cooling Table
Temperature: -2° +8° - Internal in stainless steel AISI 304 and external in stainless steel AISI .....
Chest Freezer
- Temperature: -14° -24° - Internal capacity 465 liters. - Inside dimensions: 1380x480xh725 .....
Dish Washer
- Height of plates load diam.400 mm. - 1200 dishes/hour (60") 4programs 60 , 120,180 seconds and fu.....
Dish washer basket
Dish-washer basket 500x500 mm + softener. D86/EKA-N Height of plates load diam. 380 mm (height.....
Display Table Model
Temperature: +3° +8° - Delivered with 2 grills 320x350 mm. - Capacity: 93 liters. - Inter.....
Double electrical Crepe Pan
FEATURES: General characteristics: - Production 2 x 60 pieces/h (cooking time 1 Minute). .....
Electric bain-marie, 1x GN 1/1 + 2x GN 1/4 Top
E60/BM6T Electric bain-marie, 1x GN 1/1 + 2x GN 1/4 Top Dimensions of the basin: 510x465.....
Electric bain-marie, 3x GN 1/4 Top
E60/BM3T Electric bain-marie, 3x GN 1/4 Top - Dimensions of the basin: 245x465xh170 mm, for GN.....
Electric Convection Oven
- Down swingdoor stainless steel handlle. - Manual evaporator. - 1 turbine 2800 t/min "autoreverse.....
Electric Convection Oven (hot air)
Dimension: - Manual evaporator. - 2 fans 2800 t/mn "autoreverse". - Plateholders (rail) with .....
Electric cooker 2 hobs -Top-
E60/2P3T Electric cooker 2 hobs -Top- 2 separate hobs, Ø 180 mm (2x 2 kW). - "Stamped" uppe.....
Electric cooker 4 hobs T Top
- 4 separate hobs, Ø 180 mm (4x 2 kW). - "Stamped" upper top. - Manufactured in stainless steel .....